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B.Sc in Computer Science and Engineering


Rapid development in the fields of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) over the last two decades has made this area an emerging field of specialization. The B.Sc. in the CSE program primarily involves the study of a number of core courses which every CSE graduate should study along with a significant number of courses from specialized areas. Core courses will build the foundation and specialized courses will prepare the students for the specific areas of CSE.
This program is so designed as to provide the students with a deeper understanding of all aspects of computer technology. Here the students will combine theory with hands-on experience to learn how to create and analyze computer-based systems. Courses on communication-skill development have been incorporated to develop skilled and competent graduates to meet the current and future needs at home and abroad.

Program Educational Objectives (PEO)

  • Produce graduates with the appropriate knowledge and skills necessary to enter professional practice of engineering.
  • Prepare students for higher education and research in relevant disciplines at home and abroad.

PEO to Mission Statement Mapping

  • PEO 1 Graduates will have the ability to apply knowledge and competency in the emerging areas of computer science and engineering
  • PEO 2 Graduates will possess good communication skill, professionalism and maintain high standard of ethical conducts within organization and society.
  • PEO 3 Graduates will attain the ability to become employable in industries/government sectors/research organizations or work as an entrepreneur.
  • PEO 4 Graduates will possess the ability to become adaptive to new environments and technologies and work in multi-disciplinary areas

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)

Program Learning Outcomes
PLO 1Apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering
PLO 2Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
PLO 3Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
PLO 4Function on multidisciplinary teams
PLO 5Identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
PLO 6Understand professional and ethical responsibility
PLO 7Communicate effectively
PLO 8Understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context
PLO 9Recognize the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
PLO 10Have knowledge of contemporary issues
PLO 11Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice

Program Objectives

  • Produce graduates with the appropriate knowledge and skills necessary to enter professional practice of engineering.
  • Prepare students for higher education and research in relevant disciplines at home and abroad.

Areas of Concentration

  • Computing Theory
  • Communications and Networking
  • Systems
  • Data Science
  • Software Engineering

All the students will also complete a 6 credit hour project and thesis on a selected topic from the above mentioned areas during 4th year of the program.

Career Opportunities

This program sets students for success in a number of professional fields. As technology continues to evolve, the growing demand in this area provides huge opportunities. Being graduated from the program students can build their career in the operation and support of services in the field of engineering, finance, energy, transport, health, communications, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, textile and more.

Admission Requirements

  • GPA of at least 2.5 (or 2nd division) in both SSC and HSC exams (Science background with Math, Physics, & Chemistry).
  • GPA of at least 2.00 either in SSC or HSC exam. (Science background with Math, Physics, & Chemistry) but the total GPA of SSC & HSC must be at least 6.00.
  • O-level with at least 5 subjects and A-level with at least 2 subjects in which there must be at least ‘B’ grades or GPA 4.00 in 4 subjects and ‘C’ grades or GPA 3.50 in the remaining 3 subjects (Including Math, Physics & Chemistry).
  • North American High School Diploma or equivalent.
  • Direct admission for students having GPA 5 in both SSC & HSC (science background), 5 “A’s” in O-Level and 3 “A’s” in A-Level

Course Structure

Course CategoryNo. of CoursesCredit per CourseTotal Credits
General Education(GED)93T27
Basic Science33T & 1L11
Other Engineering23T & 1.5L9
Core Courses203T & 1.5L & 2T, 1L74
Elective Courses43T12
Thesis or Project166


Degree Requirements

  • Completion of 154.0 credit hours
  • Completion of the project with at least a ‘C+’ grade
  • Passing of all courses individually and maintaining a minimum CGPA of 2.50.

Financial Information

ParticularsUnit Cost (in Tk.)Total (in Tk.)Mode of Payment
Admission Fee + Form Fee10,50010,500Once
Tuition Fee (per credit)2,8054,31,970
Registration Fee7,00056,000Semester-wise
Library Fee500
Lab. FeeIncluded in Tuition Fee
Student Activities Fee1,0008,000Semester-wise

List of Courses

Language and General Education Courses:
Course Code Course Title



Credit Prerequisite
ENG 0231 1100 English-I, Remedial English (for those found weak in English in admission test)3-0 0
ENG 0231 1201 English-II, Language Composition3-0 3
ENG 0231 2102 English-III, Oral & Written Communication3-0 3

BEN 0231 2201 Bengali3-0 3

ENG 0231 3101 Professional Communication and Technical Writing3-0 3

GED 0411 2205 Financial and Managerial Accounting3-0 3

GED 0311 2101 Engineering Economics3-0 3

GED 0314 3101 Bangladesh Studies (History of Independence)3-0 3

GED 0223 3203 Professional Ethics and Environment Protection Ethics3-0 3

GED 0413 4105 Technology Entrepreneurship3-0 3

Basic Science
PHY 0533 1101 Physics-I3-0 3

PHY 0533 1203 Physics-II3-0 3

PHY 0533 1204 Physics Lab0-3

CHE 0531 1101 Chemistry3-0 3

CHE 0531 1102 Chemistry Lab0-3

MAT 0541 1101 Mathematics-I, Differential and Integral Calculus3-0

MAT 0541 1203 Mathematics-II, Differential Equation and Coordinate Geometry3-0 3
MAT 0541 1101
MAT 0541 2101 Mathematics-III, Linear Algebra and Complex Variable3-0

MAT 0541 2203 Mathematics-IV, Statistics , Fourier and Vector Analysis3-0

Other Engineering
EEE 0713 1201 Basic Electrical Engineering3-0

EEE 0713 1202 Basic Electrical Engineering Lab0-3

EEE 0714 2203 Electronic Devices and Circuits & Pulse Techniques3-0
EEE 0713 1201
EEE 0714 2204 Electronic Devices and Circuits & Pulse Techniques Lab0-3

List of Core Courses

CSE 0611 1101 Introduction to Computing3-0 3

CSE 0611 1102 Introduction to Computing Lab3-0 3

CSE 0611 1102Introduction to Computing Lab0-31.5

CSE 0613 1103 Structured Programming3-0 3

CSE 0613 1104 Structured Programming Lab0-3 1.5

CSE 0613 2207 Object Oriented Programming Language3-0 3
CSE 0613 1103
CSE 0613 2208 Object-Oriented Programming Language Lab0-3 1.5

CSE 0612 3101 Web Programming3-0 3
CSE 0613 2207
CSE 0612 3102 Web Programming Lab0-3 1.5
CSE 0714 2111 Digital Logic Design3-0 3

CSE 0714 2112 Digital Logic Design Lab0-3 1

CSE 0613 3119 Computer Architecture3-0 3

CSE 0613 3223 Microprocessor & Microcontrollers3-0 3
EEE 0713 1201
CSE 0613 3224 Microprocessor & Microcontrollers Lab0-3 1

CSE 0613 1205 Discrete Mathematics3-0 3

CSE 0613 1209 Data Structure3-0 3
CSE 0611 1101
CSE 0613 1210 Data Structure Lab0-3 1

CSE 0613 2217 Algorithms3-0 3
CSE 0611 1101
CSE 0613 2218 Algorithms Lab0-3 1

CSE 0612 4101 Computer and Cyber Security3-0 3 CSE 0611 1101
CSE 0612 3121 Database Systems3-0 3

CSE 0612 3122 Database Systems Lab0-3 1

CSE 0613 3227 Operating System3-0 3

CSE 0613 3228 Operating System Lab0-3 1

CSE 0612 4131 Computer Networks3-0 3
CSE 0611 1101
CSE 0612 4132 Computer Networks Lab0-3 1

CSE 0613 4135 Software Engineering3-0 3

CSE 0611 1102,CSE 0613 2207

CSE 0613 4136 Software Engineering Lab0-3 1

CSE 0613 3229 Information System Design3-0 3

CSE 0613 3230 Information System Design Lab0-3 1

CSE  0612 4100 Thesis or Project6-0 6
Must be completed all the requirements
Elective Courses
Computing Theory
CSE 0613 4251 Mathematical Analysis for Computer Science3-0 3
All core courses
CSE 0613 4253 Compiler Construction3-0 3

CSE 0613 4255 Computer Graphics3-0 3

CSE 0612 4271 Data Communication3-0 3
All core courses
CSE 0612 4273 Wireless and Cellular Communication3-0 3

CSE 0613 4275 Cloud Computing3-0 3
All core courses
Data Science
CSE 0613 4281 Artificial Intelligence3-0 3
All core courses
CSE 0613 4283 Data Mining3-0 3

CSE 0613 4285 Digital Image Processing3-0 3

CSE 0613 4287 Big Data and Analytics3-0 3

Software Engineering

CSE 0613 4261Human Computer Interaction3-03All core courses
CSE 0613 4263Software Architecture3-03
CSE 0613 4265Software Quality Assurance and Testing3-03

CSE 0613 4267Mobile Application Development3-03

Hardware Engineering
CSE 0613 4277 Digital System Design3-0 3
All core courses
CSE 0613 4279 VLSI3-0 3
CSE 0613 4291 Enterprise Systems: Concepts and Practice3-0 3
All core courses
CSE 0613 4293 Electronic Business3-0 3

CSE 0612 4100**Thesis or Project0-66

*Different Branches (at least four courses should be taken):

  • Computer Engineering (at least 2 courses from Hardware and 1 course from Systems)
  • Computer Science and Engineering (any courses from any branch)
  • Computer Science (at least 3 courses from Computing Theory)
  • Data Science (at least 3 courses from Data Science)
  • Software Engineering (at least 2 courses from Software Engineering and 1 course from ICT)